Index of /brain-training
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory 08-Oct-2023 22:39 - 31-Jan-2011 14:15 356k PKZip compressed file 31-Jan-2011 14:15 86.6M PKZip compressed file
ravens advanced progressive matrices norms for the first-year univeristy students and the development of a short form.htm 31-Jan-2011 14:15 9k HTML WWW document
zanto2010-oldpeoplecantfocus-badwm.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 733k
wright2008-training-generalized-spatial-iq.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.1M
working memory, its executive functions, and the emergence of modern thinking.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 512k
working memory, attention control and the n-back task.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 223k
working memory training with children.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 291k
working memory is almost perfectly predicted by g.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 477k
working memory in the acquisition of complex cognitive skills (space fortress).pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 2.2M
working memory capacity explains reasoning ability - and a little bit more.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 643k
working memory capacity and fluid intelligence abilities.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 215k
working memory capacity and fluid abilities.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 215k
working memory and intelligence their correlation and their relation comment on ackerman,beier and boyle.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 70k
wmc ac sm or both.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 553k
wm training neurogenesis.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 2.6M
white matter creativity.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 530k
white matter change associated with working memory change.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 198k
white matter and n-back performance.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 437k
watanabe2001-creatine-reduces-mentalfatigue.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 210k
video games and spatial cognition.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 110k
variations in working memory capacity predict individual differences in general learning abilities among genetically diverse mi..> 31-Jan-2011 14:15 275k
valenzuela2003-memoryexercise-boosts-creatine.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 199k
unsworthengle2008-wm-executive-focus.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 257k
thorell2008-workingmemory-improves-attention.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 277k
the space fortress game.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 363k
the relationship between three auditory inspection time tasks and general intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 132k
the relationship between fluid intelligence and self-regulatory depletion.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 89k
the nature of psychometric g unitary process or a number of independent processes.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.1M
the correlation between striatal dopamine D2,D3 receptor availability and verbal intelligence quotient in healthy volunteers.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 127k
tang2009-response-to-jaeggi2009.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 63k
tang2009-attention-training.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 216k
swedish officer selection.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 607k
supplements and cognitive decline.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 149k
sternberg2008-jaeggi2008review.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 99k
space fortress as an IQ test.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 972k
smith2002-caffeine-overview.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 156k
sidis1911-philistine-and-genius.doc 31-Jan-2011 14:15 133k
self discipline and iq.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 103k
sebas--selfanalysis-spreadsheet.xls 31-Jan-2011 14:15 2.2M
reversing the speed iq correlation.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 194k
resource allocation and fluid intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 347k
rawson2008-creatine-ineffective-in-young.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 177k
ravens advanced progressive matrices norms for the first-year univeristy students and the development of a short form.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.6M
ravens advanced progressive matrices and increases in intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 182k
rapm and generation speed.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 144k
rae2003-creatine-intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 194k
quantitive and qualitive properties of an intelligence tests.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 2.4M
philips2005-new-scientist-latent-inhibition.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 50k
peterson2002-openness&extraversion-reducedLI.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 188k
perceptual speed and iq are associated through common genetic factors.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 72k
p-fit how well does it fit.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 2.2M
overlap between visual inspection time tasks and general intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 141k
on the correlation between working memory capacity and performance on intelligence tests.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 150k
olson2005-associativelearning-improves-visualworkingmemory.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 424k
oddman out and intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 686k
not all executive functions are related to intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 126k
neural mechanisms of general intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 251k
n-back and novelty seeking.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 183k
n-back and gender specific hemodynamics in pfc.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.1M
moody2009-jaeggi2008rebuttal.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 91k
memory span and general intelligence a latent-variable approach.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 339k
mechanisms of complex working memory.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 902k
measures of timed performance and intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 762k
mcvay2009-workingmemory-improves-focus.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 114k
mcnab2009-nback-changes-dopamine.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 415k
mcmorris2005-creatine-helps-sleep-deprivation.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 212k
mathematics anxiety and the affective drop in performance.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 100k
lyle2008-eyemovement-gives-righties-better-memory.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 176k
learning,working memory and intelligence revisisted.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 244k
kuriyama2008-sleep-improves-nback.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 278k
klingberg2004-workingmemory-increase-helps-adhd.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 940k
kaufman2009-intuition-is-lower-latent-inhibition.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 113k
kaufman2009-associative-learning-contributes-to-g.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 265k
jttoto2009-bw-dnb-stats.txt 31-Jan-2011 14:15 76k
jaeggi2010.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 228k
jaeggi2009-training-attentional-processes.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 198k
jaeggi2008-nback-increases-iq.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 660k
jaeggi2005-thesis-humancapacity-and-limits.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 2.0M
jaeggi2003-describing-dualnback.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 547k
investigating the relationship of working memory tasks and fluid intelligence tests by means of the fixed-links model in consid..> 31-Jan-2011 14:15 335k
intelligence, reaction time (RT) and a new odd-man-out rt paradigm.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.1M
intelligence, inspection time and decision time.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 397k
intelligence and seaman quality are positively correlated.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 168k
intelligence and changes in metabolic rate.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 557k
holmes2009-sustained-enhancement-of-wm-in-children.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 242k
holmes2009-poorwm-improved-by-training.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 242k
han2007-caffeine-hurts-learning.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 347k
gray2003-gf-from-parietal-or-prefrontal.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 244k
general intelligence equal to general fluid intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.1M
general intelligence and memory span evidence for a common neuroanatomic framework.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 271k
gain eleven points on rapm by thinking loud.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 207k
frontal and temporal dopamine release during working memory and attention tasks in healthy humans.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 221k
fluid intelligence and sleep.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 135k
exploring possible neural mechanisms of intelligence differences using processing speed and working memory tasks.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 484k
expanding the minds workspace.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 266k
englekane2004-wm-review.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 7.0M
effects of strategy training on progressive matrices performance.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 859k
dux2009-dnb-improves-multitasking.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.1M
dimensions in rapm.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 101k
digit span does not depend on WMH.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 202k
digit span and articulatory suppression.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 128k
delis2007-higherlevelexecutivefuncitons-in-children.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 73k
conway2003-g-and-wm-similiar-not-identical--lure-trials-correlation-RAPM.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 129k
complex span versus updating task on working memory.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 267k
brain wave entrainment and WISC.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 676k
bo2009-wm-helps-complex-physiologicalaction.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 209k
backward digit span stm or wm.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 114k
attention and working memory as predictors of intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 237k
angelucci2002-caffeine-helps-recall.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 496k
analysis of adult age differences on the rapm.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.3M
alloway2009-wmtraining-improves-crystallizedintelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 49k
aging and dopamine neurotransmitter.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 362k
age, speed of information processing,recall and fluid intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.3M
aerobic exercise enhances cognitive flexibility.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 215k
aerobic execise and improved neuropsychological function in older adults.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 851k
Zeidan2010_Mindfulness_Meditation.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 253k
Working memory capacity and processing efficiency predict fluid intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 180k
Working Memory Plasticity in Old Age.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 742k
Working Memory Capacity and Fluid Intelligence Are Strongly Related.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 54k
Why is working memory related to fluid intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 225k
White matter neuroplastic changes in long-term trained players of the game of baduk.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 3.0M
White matter in learning and cognition.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 844k
When High-Powered People Fail - working memory and choking under pressure in math.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 100k
What do raven's measure.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 122k
Training of Working Memory Impacts Structural Connectivity.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 431k
The status of the concept of intelligence1.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 261k
The relationship between n-back performance and matrix.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 276k
The relation of speeded and unspeeded reasoning with mental speed.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 184k
The quest for item types based on information processing.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 267k
The efficacy of working memory training in improving.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 49k
The Roles of Working Memory Updating and Processing Speed in Mediating Age-related Differences in Fluid Intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 152k
The Relationships of Working Memory Secondary Memory and General Fluid Intelligence Working Memory Is Special.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 162k
Study on Improving Fluid Intelligence through Cognitive Training System Based On Gabor Stimulus.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 279k
Studer Jaeggi et al_Psychonomics 2009.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 147k
Strialtal dopamine and working memory.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 723k
Spatiotemporal characteristics of hemodynamic changes in the human.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 598k
Santarnecchi 2013.pdf 30-Jul-2013 06:02 690k
Rose et al. - 2006 - The effects of escitalopram on working memory and .pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 229k
Resistance Training Improves Cognitive Function.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 169k
Predictive ability of the GAI versus the Full scale IQ among gifted referrals.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 73k
Practice effects in the brain - Changes in cerebral activation after working memory practice depend on task demands..pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 901k
Playing an action video game reduces gender differences in spatial cognition.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 127k
Phonological short-term memory, working memory and forgein language performance in intensive language learning.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 496k
Neurofeedback training of the upper alpha frequency band in EEG improves cognitive performance.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 461k
Neural correlates of superior intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 363k
Maas2006-a-dynamicalmodelof-generalintelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 359k
Jaeggi2007-workingmemory-fmri.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.2M
Individual differences in working memory withing a nomological netowork of cognitive and perceptual speed abilities.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 300k
Individual differences in general intelligence correlate with brain function during nonreasoning tasks.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 519k
Improving Intelligence--a literature review.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 117k
Improvement in working memory is not related to increased intelligence scores.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 297k
How similar are fluid intelligence and general cognition.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 678k
How are visuospatial wm, ef and spatial abilities related.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 2.3M
Hirsch-Wang-J.Cog.Neuro[1].pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 409k
Harmer et al. - 2002 - Acute administration of citalopram facilitates mem.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 83k
Haider et al. - 2006 - Long-term tryptophan administration enhances cogni.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 165k
Executive Funciton Impairment in High IQ Adults with ADHD.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 184k
Evidence of a modality-dependent role of the cerebellum in working memory..pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.4M
Endogenous control of waking brain rhythms induces neuroplasticity in humans..pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 636k
Effects of caffeine, sleep loss, and stress on cognitive performance and mood during US Navy SEAL training.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 256k
Effectiveness of a computerised working memory training in adolscents with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 285k
EEG Alpha rhytm frequency and intelligence in normal adults.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 817k
Domain general mechanisms of complex memory span.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 902k
Do working memory and susceptibility to interference predict differences in fluid intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 225k
Do the g Loadings of Forward and Backward Visual Tasks Match those of Auditory Tasks.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1.3M
Do measures of working memory predict academic proficiency better than measures of intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 203k
Distributed neural system for general intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 525k
Difficulties in working memory updating in individuals with intellectual disability.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 149k
Diagnosing and alleviating the impact of performance pressure on mathematical problem solving.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 206k
DNB.mp4 31-Jan-2011 14:15 6.8M
DNB progess chart.JPG 31-Jan-2011 14:15 75k
British-scientists-developed-a-computer-that-can-read-your-thoughts.txt 31-Jan-2011 14:15 1k
Brainwave Entrainment.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 139k
Brain_Trainer_S60_3_X_v_1_0_0.sisx 31-Jan-2011 14:15 67k
Brain networks for working memory and factors of intelligence assessed in males and females with fMRI and DTI.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 2.8M
Biedowski et al. - 2010 - Basic operations in working memory.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 213k
Beaver et al. - Three dopaminergic polymorphisms are associated wi.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 368k
Associative learning and g.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 265k
Assessing working memory capacity in a non-native language.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 170k
Acute moderate exercise elicits increased dorsolateral prefrontal activation and.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 2.6M
Acute Hypoglycemia Impairs Nonverbal.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 49k
A comparison of laboratory and clinical working memory tests and their prediction of fluid intelligence.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 416k
20min version rapm.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 80k
2010, Fukuda = Quantity not quality - the relationship between fluid intelligence and working memory capacity.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 402k
(2010) Shipstead et al. - Does WM Training Generalize = Review.pdf 31-Jan-2011 14:15 243k
(2009) Assessing the relationship of working memory to L2 reading - Does the nature of comprehension process and reading span t..> 31-Jan-2011 14:15 157k
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